Biyernes, Agosto 15, 2014


When Heartbreak Hit

Photo: Google. Com

“It hurts! He made me feel so very special. I had feeling I’d never felt before. But then again he said that he didn’t think our relationship would work.  I thought my life had ended. I cried all day and night-It hard to lose him. Love sucks.”-Carra

Have you been in love? How does it feel? Probably most of you can relate to it, but what if it ends into a breakup!

If you have been hurt by a failed relationship, this statement may sound familiar. You know well what it means to have your hopes crashed to pieces. The feeling of rejection and humiliation just can’t get out of your mind.  The struggle to get over the pain is intense that you can’t eat, sleep and feel like you’re in an isolated island. And you ask yourself, “Why can’t I forgot that person?”  

It’s hard to move on, it’s not that simple to forget someone who've been part of your life, especially if he/she mean a lot to you and share a lot of great memories together. It is not like a light switch that you can just turn them on and off.


Breakup sucks, it is the worst part in a relationship, but don’t take it the hard way, It maybe the opposite. You may call break up a blessing if it save you to a relationship which keep no hope of success and omit of getting involved with someone who doesn't love and respect you as a woman. 

And for some failed relationship it might be just the beginning. They say that in every ending, there comes a new beginning. A beginning to start your day without that person but accept the fact he/she’s just part of your past, you may be able to view the breakup as a learning experience that will give you a life lesson to don’t trust someone that much. Don’t give your hundred percent to that person, learn to left for yourself. As a teen who’s still growing and changing it is easily to attach to someone that deeply.


However, even if breakup might seems to be the best thing to do, still you can’t avoid the pain that’s left. How can you handle the feeling that just don’t seem to go away? One thing for sure, it will not help you to pretend that you’re okay.

It’s natural to feel the pain and upset about what happen into your relationship. But don’t bottle it up. Evince your problem into your trusted friends or to your parents, it can be very helpful that you express your feeling especially in these kind of painful situation, you will need someone to hold on to.

Keeping yourself busy will help you to get over with that mess. You may feel of lost interest in life and even isolate yourself, don’t let your emotion take over your life. You have a life to go through, don’t let yourself be hunt by the past, be with the people who will encourage you in the right path.

Remember, in life you will experience having good days and bad day.  Having a bad days may feel that you just can’t get over with it and that you always listen into love song or sentimental music and daydream about your lost love. Healing a wound (any wound) takes time. But the truth is, if you focus yourself into a positive way of life you will get better. Pray to God for strength. He knows exactly what are you going through and how you feel.

Remember, God loves and he knows that you’re not unlovable, and you are certainly not worthless.


As a young individual, one of your great blessing is time, it is an important aspect in every ways of life. There is so much time in front of you to gain more experience and to learn from it. So use this precious time wisely; develop qualities that will help you to become a responsible individual. In that way you will be able to make a wise decision about relationship in the future.

It might seems that it is difficult to handle, but this painful period will pass, and you may be all the wiser for it. As the quote said “A heartbreak is a blessing from God. It’s just his way of letting you realize he saved you from the wrong one.”-unknown

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